Wednesday, September 15, 2010

How can I upgrade my Mac Mini G4 Processor? I lookn 2 spend almost $350 or smaller amount on this upgrade?

I hold a Mac Mini G4, The processor speed is so slow I can baley create 25 tracks with GarageBand. I would love in recent times to buy a brand new Mac Mini or even better a G5 Power Mac desktop. But my pockets are kinda tight and I'm creating more music than my lil mac can feel. I also should mention that I use a external hard drive to store my music, lyrics, and GarageBand projects.

How can I upgrade my Mac Mini G4 Processor? I lookn 2 spend almost $350 or smaller amount on this upgrade?

Upgrading the processor contained by a Mac of any model (except possibly the Power-PC models) I think is in actuality impossible by intent ...I remember looking at something similar in the days where on earth I used to be a Mac-user myself.

Your best option if powerless to upgrade models, would instead be to add more RAM - even explore the possibility of adding/upgrading your video card ..both are option which should be available to you
I'm pretty sure the G4 in the Mac mini is soldered to the logic board. I know how you surface, after upgrading to two Core Duo Macs, the G4 is painfully slow.

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