Friday, September 17, 2010

How did this evolve to my computers DVD Player?

My DVD player doesn’t open… I enjoy to keep pressing the button. I own even used the pen hole that it has to no avail. How did this come about to my computers DVD player?

How did this evolve to my computers DVD Player?

you should never open or close it minus using the button or you will destroy the horse-drawn carriage mechanizm
It got sick. Take it to the doctor to see a PC specialist.
it may be powered failure .. or it may entail the firmware reloaded ..
Maybe clogged up with DUST ?

Mostly on Desktop computers----

DUST collects inside computers, and can exact hardware damage,

overheating, inexact fans, imprecise drives ----Is yours clean??

^^^ Some pictures ^^^

BTW, a few days ago, a character looked inside his computer, and

cleaned it out using a brush. He then lost his Sound.

That means of access is not advised.
Hmm it might be locked. Did it recieve any weaken to that component? Heres the fix, sometimes disk jam,

Or, within could not be enough power transfering to that component,

Or, that component lost communication and cannot communicate near the BIOS (*Basic Input Output System AKA Your computer && NOT WINDOWS!!! && *)

Anyways, this may help you. (*Works better beside PC's and not laptops, since pc repair is sympathetic of easier*)



This tutorial should be used ONLY if you have EXPERIENCE next to computers, if not basically take it to a computer personality,

Get a screw driver that matches the screw on your computer,

take it apart, Attempt to remove the DVD Tray,

Once removed query for any debris that may hold occured inside the DVD PLAYER.

Insert DVD tray and rescrew case

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