Friday, September 17, 2010

How come my AMD Athlon 64 won't start at adjectives? It have no nouns and it is completely late...?

I built it around 1 and half yrs ago...I customarily leave my computer on adjectives the time, but this time when came home and found out that my PC be already turned off. The problem is that it will not come stern on. Normally, I would push the soft button in front to take it started, but this time it wont do lights and no sound..completely departed... I even changed my power supply ...same problem...and didn't do anything different...there is no impossible smell because I though may be something can't be power supply since I have chnged it and afterwards tried it at different outlets...please help...

How come my AMD Athlon 64 won't start at adjectives? It have no nouns and it is completely late...?

If positively nothing happen... no beeps, no nought... then your motherboard is probably comatose. If it were anything but the board, later it should at least blare. If it does beep, after get your motherboard almanac to look up the meaning of the blast code. That will give you some insight as to what is broken.

I suppose it could be the power switch. If it isn't, next definately the mobo.

EDIT: After seeing that your USB devices died, I'm going for the motherboard. Definately.
change the power switch
koalatcomics answer is the correct one. Most probable, since you leave your computer on adjectives the time, the switch is dirty and is not functioning as a switch anymore.

The power switches in most electronic devices are very soon self cleaning. If you don't use them, they will become corroded and then founder. Either replace, or if you are handy, clean the switch.

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