Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How do I correct the magazine of my computer from a 5.0 to a 6or7?

How do I renovate the version of my computer, 5.0( Build 2195: service pack 4 ), beside a physical available of 260,400 KB to a 6.0 or better?

How do I correct the magazine of my computer from a 5.0 to a 6or7?

It sounds like you're chitchat about the operating system on your computer to some extent than the computer itself. If I took a guess I'd say your computer is running Windows 2000 base on the version 5.0 and Service Pack 4. If that's the skin, you have the most current text available. There is no 6 or 7. And the 260,400KB physical available probably refers to the amount of unused space still available on your hard drive.


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