Sunday, September 12, 2010

How can I stop Dell Media Experience from activate everytime I put a DVD into my computer?

Everytime I put a DVD into my computer, Dell Media Experience automatically pops up and say it can't read the disk. Therefore I have the pleasure of waiting to exit out of the program formerly I can start my WinDVD program. Is there anyway to turn Dell Media Experience past its sell-by date so it doesn't always pop up when I put within a DVD? THANKS!!

How can I stop Dell Media Experience from activate everytime I put a DVD into my computer?

Yes, you need to set the non-attendance dvd player to be your windvd. You can achieve this by locating the program on the concrete drive and right click, should have a drop box that say aloud default player. If this doesn't work uninstall Dell Media and you will be fine or uninstall the windvd and reinstall that will prompt you, do want to set this player as your failure to pay. Good luck
If you don't use Dell Media Experience for anything, you could delete it from your computer. If you do use it for something, open it up, and look for an opportunity called preferences, or something similar. Then, step to the defaults for initial files, and only select the ones you want

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